Simply download the plugin, unzip it and copy the php file in the plugin directory of your wordpress installation. Then activate it from the admin panel and you are ready to go. The plugin is fully customizable from a page in the admin control panel.Note: if you are upgrading the plugin from an older version I recommend to first click the “restore all options to default” link.
How to use.
Simply surround the text that you want to see as pull-quote by the following tags: <!--pull--> and <!--/pull-->. The plugin will automatically scan your post for the text included with these tags and treat it as pull-quotes. Getting those nice effects is as easy as that! If you don’t like the tags as they are or if you want to change the look of the pulled quote, you can do it from the control page in the admin panel of wordpress. The quote is formatted using a CSS definition: if you are an advanced user (i.e. if you know a bit of CSS) you can hack the CSS style in every part.
Detailed instruction.
Open and Close tags: you can define which tag to be used as markers for the pulled quote. Default are <!–pull–> and <!–/pull–>. These tags are transparent by default meaning that if you check the “Mirror quote” option you can activate or inactivate the plugin at any time without changing the layout of your posts.
Background Color: Choose background color. Use same color as your normal background to make it transparent.
Text Color: Choose text color. You can use hexadecimal values (for instance: #0AFF44)
Max Width: specifies the maximal width allowed
Pullquote position: pullquote position in the page (left or right)
Border color, size, style: define border properties
Mirror quote: leave unchecked if you want to use a quote that won’t show in the text of your post (for instance: if you want to have the pullquote to appear at the very top of your post you can uncheck the “mirror quote” checkbox and insert the pulled quoted as first thing in your wordpress post)
Current version of the plugin is 0.85, released on 4.19.2007. The plugin has been tested and working WP 2.0.x and 2.1.x. If you have other experience on other versions of WP please leave a comment here and I’ll udate this paragraph.
The plug-in is released under GPL license, meaning it’s free. If you like it or if you need help feel free to leave a comment here. (did you note that I installed some ads on this page? maybe you can find a couple of minute to check if there is anything interesting to you…)
Take a look also to my other plugin, Alt-to-Legend.
Simply download the plugin, unzip it and copy the php file in the plugin directory of your wordpress installation. Then activate it from the admin panel. You can customize the behavior of Alt-2-Legend from a new panel that will appear under the ‘Option’ page in the admin panel.
How to use.
Once your plugin is installed, it is ready to use. Simply insert an image in your post as you normally do and provide a description in the title textbox of the popup window. The text specified in the alt field or title field (your choice) will appear under the image. You can then decide the relative position of the images in the posts under the option page in the admin panel. Image can float always left, always right or according to the align parameter (meaning different post by post if you wish so).
Current version of the plugin is 0.5, released on 5.10.2009. The plugin has been tested only on WP 2.7.1. If you have other experience on other versions of WP please leave a comment here.
The plug-in is released under GPL license, meaning it’s free. If you like it or if you need help feel free to leave a comment here – and hopefully I will get some monetary feedback from the people who will find interesting ads to click on.
-First release
-Add a preview pane in the admin panel
-Add a easy-update link in the admin panel
-Set the width of the box sourrounding the image as big as the image itself
-Fixed the ‘use no border’ bug
-Use local/relative URI for images hosted on localserver (solves error:
getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration )
-Image can float constantly left, constantly right or left/right according to the align parameter
-Fixed several bugs
-Add the padding and margin settings to adjust border of the image
-Works with an unlimited number of images -Image box will fit also when image is resized using the width parameter
-Will work only if image tag contains the magic word “alt2legend”.
E.g.:<img src="image.jpg"
alt="This is a caption"
alt2legend />
Also, included in wordpress plugin repository.
Take a look also to my other plugin, fancy-pullquotes.