Posts By gg

Project GREAT: General Relativity Einstein/Essen Anniversary Test

This is kind of old (goes back to 2005/7) but fascinating. This guy got 6 atomic clock. He left 3 at home and he took the other three to a weekend outing on Mt. Rainier (~1500 meters above) – along with his three kids, of course. All this to test one of most famous Einstein’s postulates. Here’s the link.. Don’t miss the family pictures section.

Videocapture for linux

If you did some hacking with a webcam and python, you probably ended up using the Videocapture module by Markus Gritsch. Unfortunately, the module does not work on any operative system other than windows, which could be a problem if you wish to make your application platform independent. So, here you will find a linux version of Videocapture. It has been tested on ubuntu distributions. It will run as long as you have installed

  • python 2.5 (maybe others too)
  • PIL – the python imaging library
  • opencv

You can download it here. Some functions are actually not active (namely those that would call the configuration panels). It should work on mac too. Please, if you try it on a mac, let me know how it went.



If you are a Linux user you probably already know and appreciate that (amazingly) simple piece of software that is googlizer. If you don’t know what I am talking about: googlizer is a tiny gnome applet that sits in your taskbar; everytime you click on it, it will start a google search using the text in your clipboard as query. Just select the text using your mouse to copy it in the clipboard, then click on the G icon of googlizer and voila, your google search is already waiting for you in your favorite browser.

Being myself a ubuntu user I love the googlizer but sometimes I need to work on computers running windows OSs. I decided to invest 20 minutes of my time (while waiting the confocal to do its work) to make a windows clone of Googlizer.

You can dowload it from here (it’s free, as in free beer of course). To completely emulate X copy&paste functions you may want to consider using True X-Mouse Gizmo as well.
Is written in Python then compiled to exe using py2exe and the installer is build using Inno Setup. In case you are interested in the source, here you’ll find the python code for wingooglizer, the py2exe setup file and the iss inno script.

WinGooglizer works fine on windows xp, sp3. I guess it will work on any Windows OS. Enjoy and let me know how it works for you.

pySolo: a complete suite for sleep analysis in Drosophila

Bioinformatics. 2009 Jun 1; 25: 1466-1467
pySolo: a complete suite for sleep analysis in Drosophila
Giorgio F. Gilestro, Chiara Cirelli

pySolo is a multi-platform software for analysis of sleep and locomotor activity in Drosophila melanogaster. pySolo provides a user-friendly graphic interface and it has been developed with the specific aim of being accessible, portable, fast and easily expandable through an intuitive plug-in structure. Support for development of additional plug-ins is provided through a community website.
Availability: Software and documentation are located at pySolo is a free software and the entire project is leased under the GNU General Public License.
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The list is currently restricted but it will grow and eventually it will be possible to customize it with per user settings. This page requires javascript and it has been tested on Firefox and Internet Explorer. Please let me know if you encounter problems with it or just drop me a line if you want me to include new categories and new journals.   

Widespread Changes in Synaptic Markers as a Function of Sleep and Wakefulness in Drosophila

Science. 2009 Apr 3;324(5923):109-12
Widespread Changes in Synaptic Markers as a Function of Sleep and Wakefulness in Drosophila
Gilestro GF, Tononi G, Cirelli C

Sleep is universal, strictly regulated, and necessary for cognition. Why this is so remains a mystery, though recent work suggests a link between sleep, memory, and plasticity. However, little is known about how wakefulness and sleep affect synapses. Using Western blots and confocal microscopy in Drosophila, we found that protein levels of key components of central synapses were high after waking and low after sleep. These changes were related to behavioral state rather than time of day and occurred in all major areas of the Drosophila brain. The decrease of synaptic markers during sleep was progressive and sleep was necessary for their decline. Thus, sleep may be involved in maintaining synaptic homeostasis altered by waking activities.

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Redundant mechanisms for regulation of midline crossing in Drosophila

PLoS ONE. 2008;3(11):e3798. Epub 2008 Nov 24.
Redundant mechanisms for regulation of midline crossing in Drosophila.
Gilestro GF.

During development, all neurons have to decide on whether to cross the longitudinal midline to project on the contralateral side of the body. In vertebrates and invertebrates regulation of crossing is achieved by interfering with Robo signalling either through sorting and degradation of the receptor, in flies, or through silencing of its repulsive activity, in vertebrates. Here I show that in Drosophila a second mechanism of regulation exists that is independent of sorting. Using in vitro and in vivo assays, I mapped the region of Robo that is sufficient and required for its interaction with Comm, its sorting receptor. By modifying that region, I generated new forms of Robo that are insensitive to Comm sorting in vitro and in vivo, yet still able to normally translate repulsive activity in vivo. Using gene targeting by homologous recombination I created new conditional alleles of robo that are sorting defective (robo(SD)). Surprisingly, expression of these modified proteins results in phenotypically normal flies, unveiling a sorting independent mechanism of regulation.

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Regulation of commissural axon pathfinding by slit and its Robo receptors

Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2006;22:651-75.
Regulation of commissural axon pathfinding by slit and its Robo receptors.
Barry J. Dickson, Giorgio F. Gilestro

Commissural axons grow along complex pathways toward, across, and beyond the midline of the central nervous system. Taking commissural axons in the vertebrate spinal cord and the Drosophila ventral nerve cord as examples, we examine how commissural axon pathfinding is regulated by the Slit family of guidance cues and their Robo family receptors. We extract several principles that seem likely to apply to other axons and other contexts, such as the reiterative use of the same guidance molecules in distinct pathfinding decisions, the transcriptional specification of a pathway, the posttranscriptional regulation of growth along the pathway, and the possible role of feedback mechanisms to ensure the fidelity of pathfinding choices. Such mechanisms may help explain how a relatively small number of guidance molecules can generate complex and stereotyped wiring patterns. We also highlight the many gaps in our understanding of commissural axon pathfinding and question some widely accepted views. We hope that this review encourages further efforts to tackle these questions, in the expectation that this system will continue to reveal the general principles of axon pathfinding.
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Proteolytic processing converts the repelling signal Sema3E into an inducer of invasive growth and lung metastasis

Cancer Res. 2005 Jul 15;65(14):6167-77.
Proteolytic processing converts the repelling signal Sema3E into an inducer of invasive growth and lung metastasis
Christensen C, Ambartsumian N, Gilestro GF, Thomsen B, Comoglio P, Tamagnone L, Guldberg P, Lukanidin E.

We have previously shown that the expression of a semaphorin, known as a repelling cue in axon guidance, Sema3E, correlates with the ability to form lung metastasis in murine adenocarcinoma cell models. Now, besides providing evidence for the relevance of SEMA3E to human disease by showing that SEMA3E is frequently expressed in human cancer cell lines and solid tumors from breast cancer patients, we show biological activities of Sema3E, which support the implication of Sema3E in tumor progression and metastasis. In vivo, expression of Sema3E in mammary adenocarcinoma cells induces the ability to form experimental lung metastasis, and in vitro, the Sema3E protein exhibits both migration and growth promoting activity on endothelial cells and pheochromocytoma cells. This represents the first evidence of a metastasis-promoting function of a class 3 semaphorin, as this class of genes has hitherto been implicated in tumor biology only as tumor suppressors and negative regulators of growth. Moreover, we show that the full-size Sema3E protein is converted into a p61-Sema3E isoform due to furin-dependent processing, and by analyzing processing-deficient and truncated forms, we show that the generation of p61-Sema3E is required and sufficient for the function of Sema3E in lung metastasis, cell migration, invasive growth, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 activation of endothelial cells. These findings suggest that certain breast cancer cells may increase their lung-colonizing ability by converting the growth repellent, Sema3E, into a growth attractant and point to a type of semaphorin signaling different from the conventional signaling induced by full-size dimeric class 3 semaphorins.

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Plexin-B3 is a functional receptor for semaphorin 5A

EMBO Rep. 2004 Jul;5(7):710-4. Epub 2004 Jun 25.
Plexin-B3 is a functional receptor for semaphorin 5A
Artigiani S, Conrotto P, Fazzari P, Gilestro GF, Barberis D, Giordano S, Comoglio PM, Tamagnone L.

Semaphorins are a large family of molecular cues implicated in neural development and in a variety of functions outside the nervous system. Semaphorin 5A (Sema5A) is a transmembrane semaphorin, containing seven thrombospondin type-1 repeats, which was recently found to control axon guidance. Here we show that plexin-B3 is a high-affinity receptor specific for Sema5A. We further demonstrate that plexin-B3 activation by Sema5A mediates functional responses in plexin-B3-expressing cells (either fibroblasts, epithelial and primary endothelial cells). In addition, Sema5A can trigger the intracellular signalling of the hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor receptor, Met, associated in a complex with plexin-B3. We thus conclude that Sema5A is able to elicit multiple functional responses through its receptor plexin-B3.
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